Тема по английски език: The role of the dialogue in Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

Jane Austen is a famous novelist, who lived during the ages of the rise of the middle-class in England. Her most famous novel is “Pride and Prejudice”, which tells the story of the Bennets family and a lot of people connected with them.

2009-08-13 17:32:28
Jane Austen is a famous novelist, who lived during the ages of the rise of the middle-class in England. Her most famous novel is “Pride and Prejudice”, which tells the story of the Bennets family and a lot of people connected with them.

The novel is full of dialogues between the main characters. In most cases, when someone talks to another person, he in his speech reveals to us the qualities and the negative sides of the others. For example, in one of the chapters Elizabeth, one of the five sisters in Bennets family, have a conversation with the oldest sister – Jane. In this dialogue, Elizabeth helps us realize that Jane is five times handsomer than the other girls at the ball. We also understand that for Jane the whole world is good and she likes everyone. According to Jane’s words we know that her sister is more independent, she always has an opinion about someone or something, because she judges people very easily and very fast. Elizabeth is also sarcastic and maybe sometimes rude. But she is really intelligent and smart. She is the favourite daughter of Mr. Bennet too.

In other chapters, again with the help of the dialogues between the main characters we meet with the two sisters of Mr. Bingley. We realize that they are highly educated but also jealous. They only pretend to love their brother but actually they make use of him, because of his money.

The novel “Pride and Prejudice” is a typical book for those ages – it reveals the ordinary life of the ordinary people. It has realistic characters – people with their bad and good features, with their pride and prejudice.
Автор: Илиана



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