Тема по английски език: Интервю за мъж-готвач

Interviewer: Hello,Mr Jacobs.Pleasure to meet you. Mr. Jacobs: Hello,Mr Tailor.The pleasure is mine. I: So as you have sat confortably we may start with the interview.You want to be a manager in my restaurant.Why"s that? Mr: I"ve applied for that

2009-07-30 18:14:01
Interviewer: Hello,Mr Jacobs.Pleasure to meet you.
Mr. Jacobs: Hello,Mr Tailor.The pleasure is mine.
I: So as you have sat confortably we may start with the interview.You want to be a manager in my restaurant.Why"s that?
Mr: I"ve applied for that opening because I think I have a good experience I could be  useful for you.The most important thing is that I think this is the best restaurant in New York.It"s like a dream for me.
I: I see.I was quite impressed when I read your CV and think that you have a big chance to be a part   of our team.A team which is more like a family,so loyalty is very important for us.We trust each other share and never lie.Do you think that you could be a part of this family?
Mr: I"m sure I could.
I: In the CV says that you are single with two children.Don"t you think that it would be a problem for you to manage with all the responsibilities?
Mr: My wife passed away three years ago in a car accident.It was hard for us to cope with her abbsence.Now I can tell that we"ll remember and we"ll be sad for her forever but we are ok with it.In fact the tree of us are very close right now.I have a boy – Tom, which is eight years old and a girl – Jenny, which is seven.They are in the same school – that one which is right next to the restaurant.So they would come here and write their homeworks without distracting the stuff because their very quiet.
I: Ahammm...I see.And you have worked?
Mr: I"ve worked in Washington at a place called „Classy“.You must have heard it.It"s very famous.Then I quit because they offered me a letter place in Los Angeles.I was there for a year and here am I now.
I: What happened with Los Angeles?Did you quit or you were fired?
Mr: I quit because the preassure was too much.
I: I see.Do you have a digree in managing restaurants?
Mr: Yes,I do.I"ve graduated Prinston.
I: Oh,that"s impressive.Can I ask you how would you react if a group of masked weapponed men come here and take hoastiges if you don"t give them all the money in the restaurant?
Mr: That"s hard to answer.I"m not sure but I"ll find a way to go to the pannic button.Then I"ll try to get their attention till the police come.
I: Nice answer.Do you think that when it is nescessary you could be tough with the stuff?
Mr: Of course.I could be their friend but when they go wrong,I"ll let them know that mistakes aren"t admissible.
I: That"s what I wanted to hear.And my last question is...Do you think that not only you"ll keep my place"s reputation but you"ll make it better?
Mr: I"m positive about that one.I"m sure that if you choose me for the job you won"t regret.
I: Ok.It was nice to have that interview.I"m pretty sure that you"ll get the job.We"ll get through till Wednesday.Have a nice day.Goodbye.
Mr: Thank you.Have a nice day.Goodbye. Автор: Александър Ненов



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