Тема по английски език: Мъжът без едно око (история)

I"ll tell you a story about a woman and her boyfriend. The woman"s name was Mila. So one day she came back home very late from work. She was very tired and scared because it was very dark. She couldn"t find her keys in her backpack and she started to

2009-07-29 15:07:36
I"ll tell you a story about a woman and her boyfriend. The woman"s name was Mila. So one day she came back home very late from work. She was very tired and scared because it was very dark. She couldn"t find her keys in her backpack and she started to ring on the bell door. But suddenly the door was opened not from her boyfriend. A strange man without one eye stood on the door. She screamed and started to run but it was too late-the man killed her with a knife. He killed not only her, but her boyfriend because he liked their house and wanted to live there. Автор: Александър Ненов



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