Тема по английски език: Позитивните и лошите черти на мобилните телефони

Mobile phones are very useful. They have some good and bad sides. The good ones are that if you have some problems or you are in some kind of emergency you can always call someone to help you. The other good thing is that if you have a meeting with s

2009-07-29 15:02:01
Mobile phones are very useful. They have some good and bad sides. The good ones are that if you have some problems or you are in some kind of emergency you can always call someone to help you. The other good thing is that if you have a meeting with someone you can call him or her to tell that you"ll be late or you won"t come.

The bad sides that you can be found everywhere and you may be disturbed anytime. Another one is that if you have an expensive mobile phone they can steal it. Other interesting thing about the phones is that you can play with them, listen to music, watch movies and load pictures.

I can"t imagine my life without mobile phones. Автор: Александър Ненов



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