Екскурзия в Шотландия (писмо до приятел)

Hello, Pat, How are you and how is your family? I miss you and I want to see you soon. I have something for you and I hope you"ll enjoy it. I read an advertisement in the newspaper about spending spring weekend breaks in Scotland. I know you re

2009-07-29 15:00:15
Hello, Pat,

How are you and how is your family? I miss you and I want to see you soon. I have something for you and I hope you"ll enjoy it.

I read an advertisement in the newspaper about spending spring weekend breaks in Scotland. I know you really like swimming and that"s one of the reasons I think you"ll enjoy this holiday. There will be instructors who"ll teach us how to climb, sail and swim in the nearby lake. I know that you are a little bit scary but the instructors are fully qualified and we"ll be save. Of course we can go walking and sightseeing if we want.

Other good thing is that the nearby town has an interesting museum, an indoor swimming pool, supermarkets. I know that when you read this you"ll say yes!

You can ask your mother about the accommodation. She may know that in Scotland is cold but tell her that where we are going to sleep is warm and comfortable.

The prize is 150 pounds for four people, so for one is 40 pounds(that"s not much). The only thing is that the food isn"t included in the prize but I don"t thing that"s a problem.

Keep in touch. I"m waiting to hearing from you.

Love, Mary  Автор: Александър Ненов



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