Тема по английски език: Пътуване до Кембридж (писмо)

Dear family, as I"ve written all your preferences I"ll advise you to go to Cambridge. Richard won"t be very happy  about it,but once he goes in Cambridge,he"ll love it. He"ll be able to go to the King"s College Chapel. With it"s tall windows

2009-07-28 11:55:33
Dear family,

as I"ve written all your preferences I"ll advise you to go to Cambridge. Richard won"t be very happy  about it,but once he goes in Cambridge,he"ll love it. He"ll be able to go to the King"s College Chapel. With it"s tall windows and  superb ceiling it"ll take his breath away, that"s for sure. Another thing is that  Helen and Richard may go sightseeing colleges. As one of  the world"s most famous colleges,Cambridge University is worth seeing. And  who knows,they might be so whipped that they"ll want to have excellent grades and to go studying there. Bob, you"ve written in your letter for me that Mary has birthday on Sunday and she doesn"t like walking,so while Helen and Richard go looking at paintings and antiques in the Fitzwiliam  Museum, you"ll hire a boat and go through  River Cam with Mary. I"m sure that she"ll love it. And finally I suggest you to do something together,all the family. Go to Kettle"s Yard and see delightful artist"s house full of paintings and beautiful furniture.

I"ll be very pleased if I helped you with your choice.

P.S. Journey time from London to Cambridge in only one hour coasts 25pounds.   Автор: Александър Ненов



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