Монолог по английски език за изпит B2: Relationship

Relationship: Sharing a rented flat with a friend/friends is much better than living with your own family. Do you agree or disagree? Give your supporting it with arguments and examples.   Sharing a rented flat with a friend or friends and liv

2009-07-27 22:41:44
Relationship: Sharing a rented flat with a friend/friends is much better than living with your own family. Do you agree or disagree? Give your supporting it with arguments and examples.
Sharing a rented flat with a friend or friends and living with your own family are only two of the life choices we have today. We can also live alone or live in a comunity of people with whom we have some common interests, work or hobbies. Of all these I definitely prefer the traditional pattern of living with my own family.

My opinion has nothing to do with financial matters. Its core is the emotional need of the individual to belong somewhere and to find meaning in life.. 
During their lives people have different positions in their families. And family love and support have a very special role in their lives.

In their childhood and young adult years people are mainly “takers”. Babies and young children need all the love, care and protection of their parents. Teenagers need not only the daily care and shelter but also good advice and often the guidance and good example provided by the older members of the family - parents, grandparents, siblings, close relatives. People aged 18 to 25 sometimes still need the finical support as well as the warmth and friendly atmosphere of their families of their families.
Later in their lives people gradually turn into “givers”. When they have their own families they provide love, warmth and understanding as well as financial support for their spouses. They know that their partners are people who love them and rely on them. This makes them stronger and more active in perusing their goals. It also helps them to cope with difficult situations. They become responsible and devoted parents and give their children the love, protection and understanding their own parents have given them earlier in their lives.

I strongly believe that at all ages the family gives the individual the precious sense of purpose and belonging.  Автор: Албена Иванова



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