Монолог по английски език за изпит B2: Human rights

Human rights: Smooking has practically been banned in all public places in the wester world. Many, however view this as unfair discrimination against a large social group. Do you agree or disagree? Give your supporting it with arguments and examples.

2009-07-27 22:40:18
Human rights: Smooking has practically been banned in all public places in the wester world. Many, however view this as unfair discrimination against a large social group. Do you agree or disagree? Give your supporting it with arguments and examples.
I absolutely disagree with the opinion that there is any kind of discrimination in banning smoking in public places. Of course, I am not a smoker myself so it is natural to think in this way, but there is something more to this. I studied Biotechnology in Sofia University 5 years ago, and for the past 5 years I have been studying medical cybernetics in this university. So I can say I have some good knowledge about the factors affecting human health.And I think that smoking is one of the most dangerous factors ever. The reasons for this are very simple:
- First: there is nicotine in cigarettes. According to modern medicine nicotine is one of the most addictive substances ever. And people are rarely aware of the fact that it is even more addictive than heroine.
- The second reason is that in Bulgaria more than 60% of the people have heart problems at least once in their lives. We are in the first position in the charts of bad health and of course this is greatly due to the fact that in Bulgaria there are many smokers. According to recent statistics more than 65% of the population are active smokers.
Third - The so-called passive smoking is also a big problem. There are so many people who are not smokers themselves but their health is affected by the smoking of the people around them - members of their families, friends, colleagues. Banning smoking in public places will protect them from the irresponsible behaviour of chain smokers and all those who say they just are not strong enoug to give up this bad habit.
There are many more reasons but I think these three are enough. I strongly belive that we can"t talk about any discrimination in this case. The right word is chance. Our politicians, our government shoud give a chance to all people in this country to stop being active or passive smokers, to have better lives, to live like normal people without the risk of becoming addicted to anything. The most important benefit of banning smoking in public places now will be its long time effect on public health of this nation. If we sucseed in stopping smoking in public places today, in the next 5 or 10 years there will be less smokers or even no smokers at all. I hope so. Автор: Албена Иванова



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