Urban development: Hundreds of people migrate to the big cities in Bulgaria every day. This tendency has to stop. Do you agree or disagree? Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion supporting it with arguments and examples.
I disagree that the migration of people from the small towns and villages to the big city should stop. We live in a democratic country and everybody has the right to choose where to live. As a result of this, in recent years the migration process has been actually both ways – from the small places to the bigger ones and vice versus.

Of course, the big migration tendency is from the smaller place to the bigger. There are lots of people whose dream is to join the rat race in the big city. Nobody can even guess the number of the brave, adventurous or desperate souls who set off for the “big place” daily. Some of them hope to get fabulously rich in a fortnight. Others are attracted by the prospects for a new glamorous lifestyle. But the majority wants just better jobs and better living standards. I think, they all have the right to see their dreams come true, whatever the truth be.

At the same time there is migration in the opposite direction, from the big cites to small towns and even villages. People in big cities know the high price of living there, so many of them believe that it is better to move to small and quiet places. Life in the country is quite fashionable these days among the rich and powerful people who buy big properties in God forsaken villages and build modern castles for their families. Moving to the country is also the dream of lots of ordinary people who want to find peace and quiet in a place which is cheaper and unpolluted.
Each tendency has its positive and negative effects and people will always migrate in both ways. But with time, more and more people will realize how important it is to live away from big stress, noise and pollution. The migration from the small places to the big cities will decrease naturally to give way to the process in the opposite direction. I do believe it.
Автор: Албена Иванова