Television: Reality TV has nothing to do with actual reality. Do you agree or disagree? Give your supporting it with arguments and examples.

I agree that reality TV has nothing to do with real life. Lest take for example Big Brother - the most popular reality show in the world. It is different from real life for the following reasons:

First: The TV cameras watch the loves of the participants in the competition in the house all the time, wile there are no TV cameras in our homes. So I think the people in the house play for the TV viewers all the time, wile we live our own everyday lives.

Second: The people in the house know that they are taking part in a competition. And the winner will get a big sum of money, so they are ready to do anything. The Big Brother wonts them to do to make the the show more interesting. In real life we are not in a race to win a competition. We have to make important desidions and even make compromise some times but we don"t do it as part ot the game of the TV directors and poducers. We do this because we think it is right.

Third: I don"t think TV viewrs realy see what happend in the house of Big Broter. In fact the directors ad producers usualy choose to show the most scandalouse bits wich they hope will make ordinary people more sending smses witch means more money for the TV and mobile operators.

It"s all marketing and show business but people like it. Some of them may even belive that it"s all real but I don"t.
Автор: Албена Иванова